What to know about Bay Area's POC Food & Wine Festival

2 недели назад
@MimiVerbana 2 недели назад
Why are we over promoting alcohol, which is toxic and leads to alcoholism and numerous other issues. Plus, wine vines have become a poisonous monoculture that's destroying vast swaths of our beautiful nature.
@LostChildOfTime 2 недели назад
This is great because not enough people in the comments know much more outside of Panda Express. They can learn about more food they've never tried before.
@brosephbroman7564 2 недели назад
Lol. Now this is just ray cyst.
@TiredAmerican247 2 недели назад
Wow, they found a way to make food racist. I wonder how hypocritical it will be when they’ll have wine that originally was made in European countries and claim it as “POC Wine”. So pathetic. Just call it a wine festival. Why do you base everything off skin color. So hypocritical. Way to make people dislike you more.

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