Evan Low beats Joe Simitian for 2nd place, will face Sam Liccardo in District 16 congressional race

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2 недели назад
@davinxi5926 2 недели назад
The CPEC Should investigate this… this is strange
@davinxi5926 2 недели назад
@davinxi5926 2 недели назад
What are the % chances of an exact tie in a high stake political race…
@davinxi5926 2 недели назад
How did they find the vote after the recount… how many registered voters? In that district
@hekmanx 2 недели назад
He looks like a Chinese spy….. he also looks like he likes it up the u know what …..
@Dr_KW 2 недели назад
These guys all seem like turds. Doesn't matter what turd we crap into office these days huh
@latinwaterpoloperez 2 недели назад
Evan also wants to destroy female sports
@latinwaterpoloperez 2 недели назад
Evan Low is a big supporter of trans rights and the far far left

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