Army Drill Sergeant Rates 11 Boot Camps In Movies And TV | How Real Is It? | Insider

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@jerrystout882 5 часов назад
I was in the crotch this is bad
@jerrystout882 5 часов назад
I was in the crotch
@MadMetalhead 6 часов назад
My drill instructor used to bite the recruits. Honestly thought there was something wrong with him. He also used to make us fight each other. He eventually got kicked out from being a drill instructor but later on I heard that they let him back in
@stevenlennartz5815 18 часов назад
Just a sergeant be at least a captain or major period
@jleveille2 вчера
Well done video I deeply appreciate the service of the narrator
@jimmydale169 вчера
Liked the guy till I figured out he took away the shark attack probably part of the committee that made the high stress card or whatever it’s called
@JekylIsland вчера
I have tremendous respect for you Sergeant Major. I am a non-combat Marine veteran who served during the 1st Gulf War. Semper Fi
@bororobo3805 вчера
"Yes Sir!"
@samking6583 2 дня назад
Our current military frightens me, the enemy will not give safe spaces, or take into consideration, someones delicate sensiblities, and boot camp is far less than what I faced in the 80's
@jeffcombest6466 2 дня назад
I agree with everything he's saying but he left that one particular part of the training when you got to go through the gas mask training they put you in this building and tell you to take off your gas mask I went through there in 1984 in fort lindenwood, Missouri
@MatteoRubbo 2 дня назад
Forrest Gump does not dissapoint
@dbrunsrtrom 2 дня назад
1989, not only did we do the duck walk, but it was 12 of us young women in our bras and undies while an old geezer evaluated. Space was limited so we waddled in a circle. At basic, our DS asked if anyone was offended by profanity. One gal raised her hand. DS replied "That's too f***** bad."
@seanrosenau2088 3 дня назад
14:19 Why is it Left, Left, Left right left? If you take three left steps you'll go in a friggin circle while standing in place.
@deadshot9114 3 дня назад
With the changing of the shark attack becoming a thing of the past id love to see a current DI's opinions on the current state of BT
@fredcredaz459 4 дня назад
so funny. the us armies jerk off with words and tactics valid only in their little heads. They loose all wars and the y go to war in long wars just to make industries richer. what a pity.
@pinkpantheonqueerhistory5699 5 дней назад
"In those days not many people were married." For more information, read COming Out Under Fire lol
@johnsambo9379 неделю назад
Cursing and swearing was very acceptable in the Vietnam era. My Dad was in the Marines in 67. It's very feminized now.
@summitjunky6669 неделю назад
Nice job, took me back to the game we had to play to get through boot camp.
@melangellatc1718 неделю назад
Advanced Individual Training... Used to be called, AIT for you older people.
@misterdot6923 неделю назад
@BlueMax717 неделю назад
Seems like a good dude until he said he was part that changed Basic. That's the era when the military turned in to civilians in uniforms. Shame.
@dennisrussell9238 неделю назад
C Co 239 Infantry Division Ft Jackson SC 1998. Drill Sgt Maine's and Drill Sgt Jackson.
@XOZSKU неделю назад
@darrensquier4079 неделю назад
1981, sang cadence that is now forbidden. The songs were AWESOME. DIs swore all day long. Banging campaign hats into our foreheads as they screamed. Every young man should experience it. But...... it has been so watered down and ruined it is no longer the same at all.
@michaelgerow3161 неделю назад
Drill Sargents just like to play with their privates all day
@Gingerbeardman4545 неделю назад
If you’re going to judge bootcamps at least get a Marine Drill Instructor.
@armybeef68 неделю назад
18:50 This dude is really ate up, he didn't take it personally, he was just trying to motivate him.
@armybeef68 неделю назад
18:14 Of course there was, because we all know that every single officer is trying to make their mark, that's their intention, when they come into a new environment, they change it, not because it makes it better, but because, "this is the way we're going to do it now because I said so" That's called leadership, changing every single thing because they said so.
@armybeef68 неделю назад
17:42 Oh stop, that's not hazing. And now I know you're nothing but an ate up soup sandwich.
@armybeef68 неделю назад
17:08 We call it Victory Forge.
@armybeef68 неделю назад
15:42 Well, at least her combat patch is on correctly.
@scottjohnson3903 неделю назад
7:18 probably a dumb question, but what if I a recruit is already bald before Boot Camp?
@RobWoodson1989 неделю назад
He sound like he been through a lot of sensitivity training and safety briefings 😂
@a11an72 неделю назад
Wonder what happens to the guys tgats unable to humble themselves, if that even occurs
@insuchaway неделю назад
7:40 Regarding the lice; i dont understand why the women wouldn't have to shave as well. If it's a question of hygiene, why doesn't it apply to all??
@Alko-vb8of неделю назад
and i also think airsoft is great for self defense practice before the firearm
@Alko-vb8of неделю назад
Hey i have the utter most respect for the People who don’t get deployed because they are the ones that train and discipline adults minds to their limits, 🫡
@rldabomb33 неделю назад
I remember in bootcamp someone was hiding in the bathroom when we were getting PT he got caught and then we had to do PT for hours while he stood there watching us.. imagine it was freezing outside and we were inside and it was like a sauna..
@rldabomb33 неделю назад
i been waiting for a video like this
@JonathanMWhite-tx4ym неделю назад
Saw him smile. Not a real drill sergeant.
@wolfchief7952 неделю назад
They should do a NBC drill in movies.
@mpmassacre91 неделю назад
That 100 yard is dumb shark attack is more effective your teaching people to go to war not be spft babies
@canadian_american84 неделю назад
They had 8 weeks to train to go to war (during the Vietnam war) they had to be brutal
@didntkillhimself неделю назад
So this is the guy that got rid of the shark attack? Army has gon woke, were screwed
@SeraphusInferis неделю назад
7:38 I am pretty certain this black man right here cut my hair at Ft. (Benning) Hal & Julia Moore
@jamesconlin1581 неделю назад
Simunition is fun!!
@armybeef68 неделю назад
11:45 For those of you who don't know, the line is one large rectangle, it goes all the way around the bay, it's about three feet away from the end of the bunks, and in the middle is called the kill zone, you NEVER crossed the line, but the time we toed the line was at night after personal hygiene, and you literally stood at the line wearing your pt's. What was really funny was seeing the guys that were late, they'd come sliding in, they'd still be wet wearing shower shoes and they would literally slide into place. I know, that happened to me twice, one time I came in sliding, and another time i tried to be slick and fell into a place i usually wasn't, once everybody toed the line, we all counted off. I actually miss it.
@armybeef68 неделю назад
9:21 EXACTLY!....There's a difference. Learn it, live it, love it.
@armybeef68 неделю назад
0:54 Relaxin' (And the other thing I noticed, he has a CIB but not a blue disk) (Can you tell I'm not talking to you civilians)
@StormTrackerWV неделю назад
You were the cadenc call3r im the Gatorade commercial? Outstanding! Thank you for your service, sir

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