How Sounds Are Faked For Nature Documentaries | Movies Insider

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3 года назад
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@abuzarov 2 недели назад
It amazing how this person is LYING and FAKING information and is not showing any sign of remorse
@Nick-ye8pf месяц назад
“Macro lenses”. Yea go back to the fact checkers there
@beatricebeathyraneniute2298 2 месяца назад
My life is a lie 😭 that's why I have trust issues
@TheAlchaemist 2 месяца назад
2:01 Spider 1: Listen bro! I tell you that there is someone there with a huuuuuge eye looking everything we do over here. Just a single eye by the way. It's true! I swear! Spider 2: oh shut up Mike, you have been totally paranoid lately. Last time you said you were abducted and the aliens took all your silk from your butt... you need to stop believing everything you see on the internet....
@ecivedsusagep 2 месяца назад
Fun fact: Auroras DO actually make a sound, rarely auroras make a low humming sound, along with ethereal cracking noises.
@t.sizzle5308 2 месяца назад
I guess I can understand why they do this but still surprising to find it’s fake
@bjarkiaxelsson1449 3 месяца назад
Greetings from Iceland! I want to correct what you said in the beginning: You CAN hear northern lights on rare occassions. I was once lucky enough to experience those sounds here in Iceland.
@erivas5539 3 месяца назад
Coisas q nem reproduzem som e o cara inventando 🤡
@HowardEllisonUKVoice 4 месяца назад
Such skill. Marvellous! Foley-enhanced drama much preferred to the ludicrous 40-piece metropolitan orchestra that used to saturate earlier Attenborough documentaries! Occasionally a bit of over-the-top is okay: that huge drumbeat&rumble dubbed onto the surfacing of a sharp-toothed swamp creature had my girlfriend fall off the sofa. Did I laugh!
@FolioCreative 4 месяца назад
And then the producer smothers the sounds of the Foley artist with all these cutesy plucking violins etc., which completely undermines the segment. WHY??? What a waste.
@nabilblack 5 месяцев назад
They lied… how can we trust the media..
@tommyk88888 6 месяцев назад
Pretty impressive if you manage to shoot across a valley with a macro lens 😅
@ScrabledEgg 7 месяцев назад
Now, every time I watch any nature documentary, I will be imagining this a**hole smushing trashbags
@vargasbasti 8 месяцев назад
It doesn’t really answers the questions. Why?? Wouldn’t it be truer (and probably better) if it just had the true noise?
@hughJ 10 месяцев назад
Once you visualize some BBC sound designer with a boom mic splashing water about in his bath tub it's pretty hard to unsee it. The only silver lining is that you now get the opportunity to rain on everyone else's parade when they happen to be watching a nature doc.
@memphisakan4691 10 месяцев назад
Indeed life is fake
@andreatuckman1084 11 месяцев назад
Why would you add music to your video when we’re all here to hear the faintest of sounds?
@ilgnsogut3715 год назад
My god this woman talks too much! I just wanna hear the foley sounds!
@eiosti год назад
I love this kind of Foley. But does anybody else think that, based on the clips shown, this guy is a bit.. lazy? Inaccurate?? Idk i would've done it very differently. You see a whale moving very slowly and gracefully, but you hear a small fish thrashing around. And the eq was very subpar from what I expected as well! Idk maybe I'm just a picky pompous prick
@bsame год назад
this is wrong, or atleast they should label it as such in the films
@_CatBug_ год назад
Imagine how boring nature shows would be without ASMR sounds 😆 it would be like watching a low budget YouTube doc
@tsgillespiejr год назад
Okay. Okay, I feel ALMOST like Morty felt when he experience true level.
@LTRX_ год назад
For some reason, I expected leather to be used on mushrooms. Honestly, it's a great choice because they have similat textures.
@sophiegeiger7221 год назад
I feel like this breaks the rules of documentary... I thought you couldn't just make stuff up
@FlareWaveTutorials год назад
These people are amazing. They made nature and animal sounds realistic. It really make me believe that those sounds were naturally produced. Kukos!
@teeess9551 год назад
Losing a fingernail? Is he severely uncoordinated?
@invisiblewizard2538 год назад
I have to say, the dumb unnatural sounds dubbed onto nature docs in the last couple of decades are really obtrusive to me - they're so obviously faked! We used to have subtle music, timed to the elements of the scene to bring us into the footage, now they're treating their documentaries like a fiction piece. Hate it. Still, well done on making such clever sounds, and thanks for pointing out to everyone that they're fake!
@tragarfullaw5912 год назад
I feel so lied to, the universe as I know is literally a lie.
@CandyWorld30 год назад
I had no idea nature sounds were non-natural...
@gabejohnston1556 год назад
Love this kind of documentary! As someone records for a living (mostly bands) but always really wanted to do sound for film, this is wonderful stuff. However, I must call out the utter *NONSENSE* about using proximity effect and that it is a 'dangerous move', and that the mic feeds back on itself and overloads? Absolutely BS.
@sxcredchxddxr1948 год назад
I'm so upset dude
@juliacarter1491 год назад
Actually, it's proven that the northern lights do make sounds the human ear can detect.
@enemdisk6628 год назад
Stupid faking these. I also hate when they add music to nature documentaries. So dumb.
@beverlywelo год назад
I lived five hundred miles north of the Arctic circle for a number of years. The nor lysen make a very specific sound. Remove the cellophane from a cigarette package and gently twist it.
@bryanlim9817 год назад
So.... I was lied to all these years??????????
@vedantsriram3746 год назад
U ruined my documentary beliefs
@EternamDoov год назад
"the Northern lights don't make a sound but when you see this clip you don't think about it" Literally no one thinks that the cymbal noises are made by the lights...
@unbanned6175 год назад
Damn lying bastards
@HoneyBadgerVideos год назад
I really don't need to hear eye lids open.
@TehEeveeGeneral год назад
*me farting into a mason jar* = a Beluga whale yawning
@jamiegoss год назад
@mrcrud5 год назад
I've always felt the foley sounds on nature docs were super obvious and sometimes cringey.
@lizhutchinson6978 год назад
Umm I definitely think twice when I see the northern lights and hear symbols and wind chimes lol
@viktork5905 год назад
8:50 if you saw that without knowing the context, you'd think that the guy just really needs to see a specialist
@elenacosta1040 год назад
For the longest time I thought folly artists where just part of an SNL skit. It took me a while to realize this was serious.
@Xloverse год назад
it wasn't until 2:36 where I realised he wasn't talking to the camera but inside a call. What else is a lie?
@rustybricks1924 год назад
I'd rather hear no sound effects instead than made up ones that make documentaries less real. Don't get me started on History or Discovery Channels 😑
@--RSL-- год назад
You ppl understand that only foley artists really care about geeking over effects... Ppl watching the movie or show aren't thinking about it... At all. If it's close enough, it's good enough. 🙄
@blujay1982ify год назад
But why do they edit in tiger sounds for lions fighting? I've watched them long enough to know the difference.
@jennyxie5382 год назад
the ant war documentaries and the sword sound

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