Meet The Nomad Prepping For Doomsday With Sheep | World Wide Waste | Insider Business

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9 месяцев назад
@thegiantswordworkout неделю назад
@nateriver5s неделю назад
7:50 sounds like joe rogan narrating 😂😂
@stupidstickmen84 неделю назад
WTG for not paying taxes and having a boss. It sucks. Good for you
@incoprea2 неделю назад
Are you truly self-sustaining an independent if you require the assistance of established farms towns YouTube subscribers Amazon orders etc... ?
@Lexie-bq1kk неделю назад
It''s true. Society is fucked. What even is this mess. It infinitely rewards greed.
@greenleafyman1028 2 недели назад
This is way better than living paycheck to paycheck working 8 hours 5 - 6 days.
@littlebits3750 3 недели назад
I wonder if this is achievable in the uk with our weather
@hafunland894 3 недели назад
Much saner than DC politicians that just gave 95 BILLION of taxpayer money to 3 countries for war, while in 2024 our interest on the national debt will exceed defense spending and Medicare. WHO IS NUTS?
@MontgomeryMcIntosh 3 недели назад
When Tinyhomes and vanlife become unaffordable.
@Barock-mt8bc 3 недели назад
0:23 Oh he came 400 years too soon Oh
@sheripacori2097 3 недели назад
I wish more people would minimize their lifestyle like this guy. He seems to live a gentle way.
@ardianlimiarto8181 3 недели назад
The only onlyfans i would subscribe to
@Modelscoutingwd 3 недели назад
Is this a gun? 12.12
@sweetnaomi56 3 недели назад
He's living the good life. Freedom in his own way.
@chidiebere2376 3 недели назад
Solar panels and portable freezer for a cave man, that some way to get off technology. 😂😂
@lilacspring2556 3 недели назад
Cool guy
@joschkahurst 4 недели назад
Is this the return of Jesus Christ 🤔 😢 in the 21st century
@kevinlewis1235 4 недели назад
I’ve lived in Oregon for 5 years now from the mid west. What a joke people are here. Its the classic we want to have it free and open…as long as it how WE want it. These people really need to wake up. Now they are moving because they don’t like what they made only to do it to the rest of the country. Watch out, they’re coming. I live in a very small rural town and they are here. They are coming to ruin it all.
@tefariotube5048 4 недели назад
this is from Ethiopia, and men should be ready for life off-grid. we are in the end times, and when everything is connected, there will always be some following you in the hidden.
@stevee.7419 4 недели назад
God bless(ed) this gentleman.
@samtan3473 4 недели назад
Thnak you inspriring me that we can get out of this trap of modern life. After I settle my family needs, I want to live a simple lifestyle like you
@Dakiniwoman 4 недели назад
Interesting guy... God Bless him!
@remyrichmond853 4 недели назад
wtf bro got a gun on his waist
@Juanitojtc месяц назад
its gonna take 3 mfs with nothing to loose and guns to take everything homeboy got if shit hits the fan fr fr.
@user-hx7pd3ys8f месяц назад
This man living life 🧬
@plrinternetmarketing месяц назад
Hey there bro! Greetings from Alberta, Canada. Love the life your living and wish you all the best! I've subscribed, and will stop by from time to time to see how your doing! Take care of yourself, and yours! :)
@bradleyhasse5220 месяц назад
10:05 exactly what they did to me in the navy. tell them how much is being taken as its happening is not smart to those who hate needles.
@skygrey7237 месяц назад
When the apocalypse hits, this guy will be the only one surviving.
@AngeleaniaNicole-co9tk месяц назад
Keep going be happy its better than being stuck in the matrix of taxes and interest
@banii4527 месяц назад
Un nebun in viață 😢
@rhettwright4842 месяц назад
Sasquatch of the Wasatch speaking. I'm am so proud of you bro. You are my new hero. I've been and know
@doc.rankin577 месяц назад
"Every 400 years, society has collapsed." Hmmm.... I knew the thirty years war was bad, but I didn't know it was society collapsed in the 1620s bad.
@giomas7072 месяц назад
Sei un grande, tutto il mio rispetto
@jasonkaltenbaugh4270 месяц назад
If a person can get over what others think about them, they can really live the way they want.
@userxyz783 месяц назад
What a disrespectful question by the producer. This man is giving you an intimate look at his life and you repay him in this way.
@Nkmusiclast месяц назад
One side people are migrating and getting high paid jobs in europe US otherside some losing their lyf... What a tragedy 💙 so sad
@HBudianu месяц назад
The artificial economy and cities he criticizes are what designed his phone, YouTube, gadgets and solar equipment. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@dickensodhiambo1233 месяц назад
Need more Caucasians like him
@Justice55339h месяц назад
Why tho
@ericvetter56 месяц назад
This is you're brain 🤽... this is you're brain on drug's 🍳🎆..yes people this guy is off the chart 💯🥜 job😐
@Quantummomentum месяц назад
He's aggravated because he keeps getting ticketed for walking sheep.
@mellanymckenzie1710 месяц назад
not the end of the world it is coming to another dispensation of time Jesus promised to return which he will maranatha!
@beneachus4901 месяц назад
Ehhh I’ll figure it out when it happens
@kelvintan4809 месяц назад
Dun wanna know what he does with the sheep when he gets lonely at night…
@woden20 месяц назад
He's looking after my sheep until it kicks off,, that's my prep sorted.
@allphornunn месяц назад
It'd be nice if he were always calm, thoughtful, and conscientious like he appears on video...but that's not real life, and anyone who's known him irl will confirm in spades. How is it people don't just *know* this already?? Like it should be second nature we all know this by now, without anyone having to be reminded, and yet.... In that regard the top comments are super depressing smh
@tiaussardar8192 месяц назад
The last couple of lines of him made a lot sense. Good luck pal, wish a happy and healthy life ahead.
@pashagoldshtein768 месяц назад
This man is Not nomad he is HIPPI child of flower.Nomad people live in accordance with seasons schedule,they no have time travelling or enjoying by lonely life style,they care mjhimum 200 domestic animals + aleays have big families ,theg do nif ahve long hair and do nit walk withou clothers?This man is more gyspy style then nomad
@db3170 месяц назад
You “collapsed ahead of schedule “
@sefyusefyu5878 месяц назад
Viendra un temps où la meilleure richesse que l homme peut avoir c'est un troupeau qu il ira fair pétre dans les montagnes on va y arriver

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